Bonus Street Racer™ is a social casino game that br
ings to gether the ex citement of street racing and the fun of casino ga mes, in a se tting fi lled with fa st ca rs and ne on li ghts that cr eate an im mersive ga ming ex perience, with a mix of ad renaline and en tertainment va lue for pl ayers to en joy.Bonus Street Racer™ st
ands out for its em phasis, on sp eed and co mpetition in ev ery ra ce pa ired with th rilling sl ot me chanics that ca pture the ru sh of racing ac tion.The gr aphics are sl eek and vi brant with a fo cus on ca rs and sp eed ga uges co mplemented by so unds that tr uly im merse pl ayers, in the ra ce tr ack ex perience.While it fa lls un der the ca tegory of a social casino game the racing th eme en sures an ex hilarating ga meplay ex perience wh ile the ga mes pr ogression fe els or ganic wi thout any mo ney in volved.Whether yo
u're a fan of street racing or casino ga mes, Bonus Street Racer™ st rikes a pe rfect ba lance be tween the two ge nres, of fering pl enty of re play va lue with its co mpetitive edge.