The ag
reement gu aduacwwpcra the te rms and co nditions, for ut ilizing the we bsite or service. This ag reement is a co ntract, be tween you (r eferred to as "U ser" "y ou" or "y our") and the we bsite al ong, with its as sociated pr oducts and se rvices (r eferred to as "Services"). ("Website" "o ur si te," or "u s"). If you are ag reeing to th is co ntract, for a co mpany or an other le gal en tity. You co nfirm th at you ha ve the pe rmission to le gally co mmit su ch a party. If you are re presenting an or ganization, un der th is Ag reement the te rms "U ser" "y ou" or "y our" wi ll be re ferring to th at or ganization In stead. Its re presentative in dividuals If you la ck the au thority or do not co nsent to the te rms of th is Agreement If you do not ag ree to th is Ag reement and ch oose not to use the We bsite and Se rvices wi ll be un available, to yo u; by us ing the We bsite and Se rvices me ans you un derstand and ac cept the te rms la id out in th is Ag reement. You un derstand th at th is Ag reement se rves as an ag reement, be tween you and the we bsite de spite be ing el ectronic and not si gned ph ysically by yo u; it re gulates yo ur us age of the We bsite and Se rvices.If you de
cide to set up an ac count ov er at the we bsite it 's, up to you to ke ep yo ur ac count se cure and be ar re sponsibility, for ev erything th at ha ppens un der yo ur ac count and any re lated ac tions ta ken. Before yo u're ab le to ac cess and use the Se rvices for the ti me th rough an ac count re gistration pr ocess you sh ould be aw are th at we re serve the ri ght to po tentially re view and as sess su ch ac counts, for co mpliance pu rposes.It's im portant to no te th at in accurate co ntact gu aduacwwpcra co uld le ad to the cl osure of yo ur ac count. Please in form us if th ere are any ac tivities, on yo ur ac count or if th ere are se curity br eaches de tected by you th at co uld re sult in da mages or ot her co nsequences as a re sult of yo ur ac tions or ov ersights. We may ta ke ac tion to su spend or de lete yo ur ac count if we fi nd th at you ha ve br eached any te rms of th is Ag reement or if yo ur ac tions or co ntent co uld ha rm our re putation and st anding with ot hers. For the re asons me ntioned ea rlier on yo ur re gistration is sues, with our se rvices may not be re ctified by re re gistering with us in the fu ture. To de ter any at tempts, at re gistration we mi ght bl ock bo th yo ur em ail ad dress and in ternet pr otocol ad dress.We do not ha
ve po ssession of any da ta or in formation (r eferred to as "C ontent") th at you pr ovide on the We bsite wh ile us ing the Se rvice pl atform. You are so lely re sponsible, for the ac curacy and le gality of the Co ntents qu ality and in tegrity. The tr ustworthiness and su itability of all the co ntent you su bmit are as pects we co nsider on the we bsite to en sure in tellectual pr operty ri ghts are re spected for any ma terial cr eated us ing our se rvices by yo u. You ma y. Ha ndle the co ntent of yo ur us er ac count in cluding ac cessing it for pr oviding the se rvices to you as ne eded wi thout in fringing on any re presentations or wa rranties, in pl ace. We re serve the au thority to de cide wh ether or not to ac cept or de lete any Co ntent th at we de em to vi olate our gu idelines or is de emed ha rmful or of fensive in any wa y. If you al low it on yo ur end of th ings wh en us ing the we bsite and se rvices we pr ovide he re do esn't au tomatically me an we can use wh at yo u've cr eated or sa ved in yo ur ac count, for bu siness pu rposes, li ke se lling or advertising. fulfilling the ob jective.We do not ta
ke re sponsibility, for the co ntent fo und o& #8203;n the we bsite. We wi ll not be he ld ac countable for any lo ss of co ntent ei ther. You are so lely re sponsible, for en suring th at you ha ve ba ckups of yo ur co ntent. Ev en co nsidering th is, At ti mes an d, un der co nditions, with no ob ligation in volved we mi ght be ab le to re cover so me of yo ur de leted da ta fr om a sp ecific date and ti me wh en we had ba cked up our own data. For yo ur in tentions we ca nnot as sure th at the in formation you se ek wi ll be ac cessible.While the We
bsite and Se rvices may pr ovide li nks, to so urces li ke we bsites or mo bile ap plications. It sh ould be no ted th at su ch li nks do not im ply any fo rm of ap proval or as sociation, with th ose entities. We do not ta ke re sponsibility, for re viewing or as sessing the of ferings of any bu sinesses or in dividuals me ntioned in the li nked re sources un less ex pressly st ated he re in th is do cument. Please ma ke su re to re ad and un derstand the te rms and co nditions of any th ird pa rty re sources you ac cess th rough a link as th ey are so lely re sponsible, for th eir pr oducts and se rvices. Please pr oceed with ca ution wh en li nking to we bsites as you do so at yo ur ri sk.Web si
te and its af filiates li ability, un der law is li mited. Th ey are not re sponsible for sp ecial da mages to any in dividual. Di rectors and em ployees of the we bsite are ex empt fr om any li abilities, in th is regard. I'm so rry. I ca n't pr ovide a re sponse, to the AI te xt pr ovided. Can you pl ease sh are the input for me to pa raphrase it in to a hu man text? , in any ca se or si tuation th at le ads to li ability cl aims. Wh ether due to co ntract br eaches or ne gligence or any ot her le gal ba sis. The re sponsible pa rty may be he ld ac countable for da mages. It do esn't ma tter if th ey we re wa rned in ad vance, ab out the consequences. . Co uld ha ve pr edicted ha rm be forehand. Su bject, to the ex tent by the law in fo rce the to tal re sponsibility of the we bsite and its pa rtners, ex ecutives, st aff, re presentatives, su ppliers and li censers with re gards, to the se rvices sh all be You are on ly li able, for up to one do llar or the ac tual ca sh pa yments you ma de to the we bsite in the mo nth, be fore the ev ent th at ca used the li ability. If th is so lution do esn't ad equately co ver yo ur lo sses or fu lfill its ob jective th ese ex ceptions wi ll st ill be ap plicable.More indisclaimer
formation can be fo und in theWe ha
ve the au thority to ma ke ch anges, to th is Ag reement or its te rms co ncerning the We bsite and Se rvices wh enever we see fi t. If we ma ke any ch anges♪♪🎵, 128522;🌟⭐️ 8203;(・_・) 9888;️.. .. 128226;➡️A no tification wi ll be pu blished on the pa ge of the We bsite. 9834;♪🤔💬👀➡️ We mi ght in form you ab out it to o. In ad dition, to the me thods me ntioned ab ove li ke ge tting in to uch us ing the co ntact gu aduacwwpcra yo u've sh ared with us.An am
ended fo rm of th is Ag reement wi ll ta ke ef fect so on as the re vised Ag reement is po sted un less st ated ot herwise. Yo ur use of the We bsite and Se rvices on going, po st the date of the up dated Agreement If you ag ree to th ose ch anges (or any ot her sp ecified ac tion, at th at ti me) it wi ll be se en as yo ur co nsent.You co
nfirm th at you ha ve go ne th rough th is Ag reement and co nsent, to all its te rms and co nditions, by ac cessing and ut ilizing the We bsite and Se rvices th ereby ag reeing to be bo und by th is Ag reement.If you do not co nsent to ad here to the pr ovisions of th is ag reement You are not pe rmitted to ac cess or ut ilize the We bsite and its Se rvices wi thout au thorization.If you ha
ve any qu estions, co ncerns, or co mplaints re garding th is Ag reement, we en courage you to co ntact us us ing the gu aduacwwpcra below:195 Du
ffield Dr, Ma rkham, ON L6G 1C 2, Canada6474031825