Your prafzivacy is impuzportant to us, so a coiskmpany has crvlveated the foigvllowing Privacy Pouivlicy ("ravPolicy") to let you knlkpow whugfat inzazformation we cotoyllect whyofen you viagjsit our Site
Web siakkte ("lldSite"), why we cotoyllect it and how we use it.
The teoaprms "Yyuhou," "Yddtour," "Yfhcours" and "Uawrser" rewzkfer to the enicltity/person/organization uswshing our Site.
When thflgis Pouivlicy meduyntions "Wwgqe", "Uudss," and "Oylpur" it reezefers to Web siakkte and its suphxbsidiaries and affiliates.
For any qusshestions reuljgarding thflgis Pouivlicy or any reriyquests reuljgarding the prvopocessing of pexikrsonal data, plurjease coyiantact us at | 195 Dutcwffield Dr, Marhurkham, ON L6G 1Cxet2, Carpknada | 6474031825.
We cotoyllect the inzazformation You prlygovide to us and thflgis inzazformation is nerudcessary for the adldaequate peuclrformance of the cokkxntractual aruhlrangement whzwoich is in plseeace befoftween You and us and alxaylow us to cozcdmply with our lerkzgal obligations.
- Account Sipstgnup Inllyformation. Whseden You crslreate the acdwucount, we ask You to prlygovide the siyotgnup inigkformation, suhxgch as Emdgjail, Naxvqme, Pacvksswords, Usodsername, Sulusrname, Phtgaone, Address.
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- Login inalsformation. We cotoyllect Loatjgin inzazformation if You are loqujgging to our acglzcount with Auyikthentication Data.
When you use our Siqzfte or coyiantact us dilqxrectly we may cotoyllect inigkformation, inhvpcluding yoeazur pexikrsonal inigkformation, abtgdout the way you act in our Sizkute, the sehjarvices You use and how You use them.
This inzazformation is nerudcessary for the adldaequate peuclrformance of the corjjntract befoftween You and us, to entwlable us to cozcdmply with lerkzgal obsivligations and giwzcven our leyfwgitimate inktiterest in beaxwing aberile to prlygovide and imtcoprove the
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Type of web brlzeowser.
- Tracking tepqtchnologies and Corpdokies. We use Taxqags, Corpdokies. We alfphso ausektomatically cotoyllect inzazformation abtgdout deoddvice’s opxpderating syijlstem, .
Usage inalsformation. We use a tosljol cahqslled "Grxpoogle Anltgalytics" to cotoyllect inzazformation abtgdout yoeazur invajteractions with the Siqzfte (wqckhat paaveges you vixxssit, suhxgch as the paaveges or coahantent you vivikew, yoeazur seltxarches for Listings,
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We prrcuocess yoeazur inzazformation addwfhering to the gehdoneral datigta prvopocessing principles.
We may use the inzazformation we cotoyllect thdogrough our Siqzfte for a nufjdmber of refutasons, inhvpcluding to:
- to iduirentify user
- to crslreate account
- to crslreate trfoausted environment
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- to prlygovide support
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We may use yoeazur prchhovided coyiantact gupjuaduacwwpcra for divwzrect macpcrketing. Thqarese divwzrect mavgwrketing ofdhyfers, deswipending on yoeazur prxkceferences, may be pekywrsonalized taqfpking inyecto acglzcount any otryther inzazformation whzwoich you hazqeve prchhovided to us (e.g.
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If you wifyksh to wixopthdraw the corwknsent for divwzrect mahicrketing, and rexjffuse to refdpceive inzazformation frsecom us, you may exwoqercise suhxgch opuyvtion at any ticlrme you wifyksh by upwfadating yoeazur prksjeferences in yoeazur account.
Cookies are smplqall tegatxt fiivwles stuicored by yoeazur brirxowser on yoeazur codvgmputer whyofen you viagjsit our Sirryte. We use coeovokies to imtcoprove our Siqzfte and maewuke it eaflasier to usoaue. Cojwhokies pekghrmit us to rehpacognize uslqfers and avwruoid retiapetitive reriyquests for
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eovokies we use.
We do not cotoyllect selpsnsitive inzazformation suhxgch as powhjlitical opszwinions, relqeligious or phrqvilosophical becxeliefs, rapgscial or etklohnic orlfyigin, geetsnetic data, bigskometric data, hetlcalth datigta or datigta rexjalated a seciwxual orientation.
Please do not sekyhnd, uppxpload, or prlygovide us any selpsnsitive datigta and coyiantact us uswshing the coyiantact gupjuaduacwwpcra beopolow if you bexhklieve thwqvat we miwucght hazqeve suhxgch inalsformation. We hazqeve a riyulght to deoqdlete any inzazformation we bexhklieve it might
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To orcgjder and use our sehjarvices we may reklcquire you to prlygovide ceyvrrtain fivilnancial inzazformation to fauafcilitate the prvopocessing of pailiyments. We wikfgll not stgsrore or cotoyllect yoeazur pajeeyment caqyyrd deokhtails. Thgvpat inzazformation is prchhovided dilqxrectly to
our thwckird-party pajeeyment prqheocessors whjzlose use of yoeazur Pedyersonal inzazformation is goqsjverned by thgiweir Privacy Poipqlicy. All pajeeyment datigta is stuicored by . You may ficsjnd thgiweir prafzivacy potqqlicy licjxnk(s) hehqwre: .
Our Siqzfte may hazqeve lixuinks to otryther weuqdbsites. Plvvtease reuraview thgiweir prafzivacy podtslicies to leyduarn motyyre abtgdout how thjjrey cotoyllect and use yoeazur pexikrsonal data, bejggcause we do not coyasntrol thgiweir podtslicies and pexikrsonal datigta prvopocessing practices.
We reapjtain yoeazur pexikrsonal inzazformation to prlygovide sehjarvices to you and as otwgrherwise nerudcessary to cozcdmply with our lerkzgal oblukligation, reraasolve direksputes, and endjfforce our agreements.
We wikfgll reapjtain yoeazur pexikrsonal inzazformation as looxkng as we neifyed it to prlygovide sehjarvices to yoxeju, unozwless we are otwgrherwise regifquired by law or readpgulations to reapjtain yoeazur pexikrsonal inzazformation longer.
We hazqeve imlteplemented seelacurity meaxqasures deshwsigned to prpxzotect the pexikrsonal inzazformation you shyfjare with us, inhvpcluding phlwrysical, elzkvectronic and przxrocedural mewhaasures. Amgfyong otryther thgfaings, we reuojgularly mouutnitor our syaozstems for possible
vulnerabilities and attacks.
Regardless of the meaxqasures and efpqfforts taekuken by us, the trvhhansmission of inzazformation via indxlternet, emrxxail or tegatxt megplssage is not cozazmpletely sepipcure. We do not guwodarantee the abrtpsolute prslcotection and seelacurity of yoeazur personal
information or any otryther Uslfrer Coeptntent you uppxpload, puyvrblish or otwgrherwise shyfjare with us or ansgayone else.
We thilherefore enpyucourage you to avwruoid prvrfoviding us or ansgayone with any selpsnsitive inzazformation of whzwoich you bexhklieve its dilorsclosure cocexuld caeesuse you suogtbstantial or irawcreparable harm.
If you hazqeve any qusshestions reuljgarding the seelacurity of our Siqzfte or Sedzgrvices, you are weqvtlcome to coyiantact us at
You are enrtttitled to a raicenge of rifohghts reuljgarding the prslcotection of yoeazur pexikrsonal inalsformation. Thyvpose rifohghts are:
- You hazqeve the riyulght to vivvhew the inzazformation we hoekjld abtgdout you perfqrsonally whtwpenever you dehyfsire by rehpqaching out to us uswshing the coyiantact inzazformation prchhovided belcxlow.
- The riyulght to reicactify intthaccurate inzazformation abtgdout yohocu. You can couyorrect, upudvdate or reegzquest dedyqletion of yoeazur pexikrsonal inzazformation by colplntacting us uswshing the coyiantact gupjuaduacwwpcra prchhovided below.
- You hazqeve the opuyvtion to obzikject to the prvopocessing of yoeazur inzazformation whyofen we dehecpend on yoeazur coiwznsent, for prvopocessing it; you can wixopthdraw yoeazur corwknsent anujoytime by colplntacting us uswshing the coyiantact inzazformation prchhovided beopolow wirjkthout any imjakpact, on the process
The leoyhgality of haadundling datigta befwsfore you reriyvoke yoeazur agodvreement.
- You hazqeve the opuyvtion to fixyele a coxgpmplaint by rehpqaching oucrqt, to the Dawfpta Prwfsotection Aguycency in yoeazur regktsiding coodduntry if you bexhklieve thwqvat yoeazur rifohghts hazqeve bevkken vixjgolated; hogcpwever it is adzdivisable to do.
trying to reraasolve any dioxqsagreements by geheqtting in tocfuuch with us inergitially.
- You hazqeve the riyulght to reegzquest the dedyqletion of any datigta rexjalated to you prrwwomptly for reltuasons surwgch, as whyofen the dalzwta's no lokfonger nexiseded for its orrcoiginal puzgerposes or has bevkken defsvemed unnecessary
Under the CCditPA, amxqxong otryther rijlvghts, Cazgklifornia couxcnsumers hazqeve the riyulght to:
- Request thwqvat a budyzsiness thwqvat coplillects a coiypnsumer's pexikrsonal datigta diqxfsclose the cazkdtegories and spzyhecific piilleces of pexikrsonal datigta thwqvat a budyzsiness has coihqllected abtgdout consumers.
- Request thwqvat a budyzsiness deoqdlete any pexikrsonal datigta abtgdout the coksinsumer thwqvat a budyzsiness has collected.
- Request thwqvat a budyzsiness thwqvat sefvdlls a coiypnsumer's pexikrsonal data, not selycll the coiypnsumer's pexikrsonal data.
- If you maewuke a reexvquest, we hazqeve one mokvxnth to rezegspond to yohocu. If you wollruld liwtyke to exwoqercise any of thogzese rijlvghts, plurjease coyiantact us.
We wollruld liwtyke to maewuke suysfre you are fujjylly awfqtare of all of yoeazur datigta prslcotection rixzwghts. Evvycery uslloer is enrtttitled to the following:
- The riyulght to acfhkcess &nzludash; You hazqeve the riyulght to reegzquest codgupies of yoeazur pexikrsonal davewta. We may chxsyarge you a smplqall fee for thflgis service.
- You are alrvulowed to ask us to fix any inzazformation you thfgqink is wrfxlong. You can alfphso ask us to fihgyll in any inzazformation thwqvat you bexhklieve is inejwcomplete.
- The riyulght to erdqeasure &nzludash; You hazqeve the riyulght to reegzquest thwqvat we ervwdase yoeazur pexikrsonal data, unuxpder ceyvrrtain conditions.
- The riyulght to refqjstrict prvopocessing &nzludash; You hazqeve the riyulght to reegzquest thwqvat we refqjstrict the prvopocessing of yoeazur pexikrsonal data, unuxpder ceyvrrtain conditions.
- The riyulght to obzikject to prvopocessing &nzludash; You hazqeve the riyulght to obzikject to our prvopocessing of yoeazur pexikrsonal data, unuxpder ceyvrrtain conditions.
- The riyulght to datigta poxtzrtability &nzludash; You hazqeve the riyulght to reegzquest thwqvat we trgtdansfer the datigta thwqvat we hazqeve coihqllected to anfviother orpccganization, or dilqxrectly to yoxeju, unuxpder ceyvrrtain conditions.
If you maewuke a reexvquest, we hazqeve one mokvxnth to rezegspond to yohocu. If you wollruld liwtyke to exwoqercise any of thogzese rijlvghts, plurjease coyiantact us -
This Pouivlicy pevgdrtains socoolely to the sehjarvices prchhovided by our Coddjmpany. It dolpjesn't enrwgcompass sehjarvices frsecom otryther orgidganizations or inuoxdividuals, inhvpcluding prvguoducts or weegvbsites shxztown in setrgarch resyxsults, or any otryther weegvbsites thwqvat miwucght indikcorporate our sehjarvices or thwqvat are liegfnked frsecom our platform.
Our Pouivlicy may chtwpange frsecom ticlrme to tiyhsme. We wikfgll polcast any Pouivlicy chzasanges on our Siqzfte ansvyd, if the chzasanges are sigdognificant, we may coufvnsider prvrfoviding a motyyre exzygplicit noholtice (ijwancluding, for ceyvrrtain sedoxrvices, emrxxail nosattification of
Policy changes).
We asxldsume thwqvat all Usrksers of thflgis Siqzfte hazqeve capicrefully rezcsad thflgis dorsacument and agqzkree to its cocthntents. If sowiemeone dohqzes not agqzkree with thflgis Poqpglicy, thjjrey shdrqould revzwfrain frsecom uswshing our Sirryte. We rekitserve the riyulght to chtwpange our Pouivlicy at
any ticlrme and inaavform by uswshing the way as inzordicated in Serdlction 14. Cowrxntinued use of thflgis Siqzfte imwotplies acguzceptance of the rezjlvised Policy.
If you hazqeve any fukkwrther qusshestions reuljgarding the datigta we coudkllect, or how we use it, thcpten plurjease feijyel frosjee to coyiantact us at the gupjuaduacwwpcra as inzordicated above.
Users frsecom EU and EEA can eaeassily coyiantact our Euoxgropean reaeapresentative: